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Writer's pictureMaria Pop

Storyboard and Script

For our music video we did not draw up a storyboard as we didn't see it as necessary as we had already written down our main ideas in our Planning post and in our script. The planning and script are not fixed and most likely to change in the process of filming but it was important to have an outline on which we can build. They also provide some more organisation and ensure a more productive use of our time as we have most of our ideas all written down.

The planning can be found on the blog in another post, however here are some examples of our ideas for the video from that post:

The plot we have for the music video is loosely planned, however the major idea for the story is that we want to include the songs use of metaphors and irony about how licorice is ‘sweet’. In the song analysis we talked about how this idea of licorice being sweet can be used in our music video to show how people are different - they can even be like licorice - you either love them or hate them. We wanted to create a music video based around a group of friends, all different yet all extremely close because they understand how it is to be judged because of their differences. The storyline is about a group of friends wondering about a city, drinking, talking and just having a good time.

We also decided to include a divided screen - one showing a group of friends in Timisoara and another showing a group in Cluj, this idea works better as this way it isn’t strange to just see two different groups with no context. The divided screen is inspired by A$AP ROCKY’s Praise The Lord music video and so in a way can be considered an homage to that style.


In the beginning - a clip without music showing the 2 groups talking and possibly trying licorice with one group enjoying it and the other disliking it.

In the end - one shot from Timisoara - someone throws the licorice pack behind them and it ends up/enters the Cluj shot and someone picks it up and eats some licorice (sits down and eats them).

Script - we created a script with all of the verses divided and added ideas for each one based on the lyrics and time.


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